If you walk through a cemetery, you may notice not only headstones, but cremation benches as well. These benches act as a tribute to a loved one much in the way a headstone does. However, these benches differ in that the inside has a place that holds cremains after a loved one’s cremation services in Dallas, TX. Today we are going to explore these benches more as well as what types are available.

What is a Cremation Bench?

As mentioned earlier, a cremation bench houses the cremains of a loved one inside the bench structure. These benches are most often seen in cemeteries and cremation gardens but can also be found in parks and other memorial sites. They can contain the cremains of just one person or multiple people. These benches may also mark where ashes were scattered or buried.

Different Types of Cremation Benches

Just as there are several types of headstones marking a burial, there are several types of bench designs. These can include:

  • Straight-Leg Bench- These benches are very simple and have minimal lines. The legs are straight with a stone slab serving as the seat. These benches typically house one to two loved ones with the cremains being held in the legs of the bench. Because of the simple style, a straight-leg bench can be one of the least expensive bench options.
  • Panel Bench- A panel bench can house multiple cremains with many holding up to four loved ones. This bench also typically has more surface space to be able to be customized than other options.
  • European-Inspired Bench- These benches have a seat that comes off so that the ashes may be placed inside. Instead of having legs, this bench as a single granite support. It is in this support that the ashes are placed.
  • Memorial Bench- These benches are different in that the ashes of the loved one are not placed inside. Instead, these benches are just like other park benches and not hollow. Memorial benches are most often seen in places where a loved one’s ashes have been scattered, or in parks as families may wish to donate a bench. Most all of these benches will be engraved or marked in some way to honor the deceased. It may have their name, a poem, or other information engraved on it.

Choosing a Cremation Benchcremation services in Dallas, TX (4)

With so many types and styles of cremation benches, it may be difficult deciding which one to choose. To help gauge which type would serve you best, you can ask yourself some questions such as:

  • How much customization do I want?
  • What is the location where the bench will be placed?
  • What is my overall budget?
  • How large is the designated space for the bench?
  • How many urns do I want the bench to hold?

After your loved one’s cremation services in Dallas, TX., a cremation bench may be a perfect tribute and memorial to them and their life. If you have further questions or need any more information, feel free to reach out to us anytime as we are always available to help.