Grieving is hard. It can fill us with extreme feelings of loss, sadness, and even fear and confusion. Although this grieving is normal and part of the overall process of healing, it can be a tough thing to get through. Self-care is extremely important at this time to ensure we grieve- and get through this grief- in the healthiest way possible. If you are grieving after your loved one’s cremation services in Irving, TX. here are some tips that we hope will help.
Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself
First and foremost, be kind to yourself during this time. If you are feeling down and depressed, allow yourself to acknowledge those feelings and know that it’s okay. Don’t get down on yourself if you haven’t kept up with the laundry as much as you think you should have, or if you have errands that still need to be completed. Give yourself the freedom to mourn and make sure to talk to yourself in a kind way.
Go for a Walk
Put your shoes on, get outside, and go for a walk. Walking is a wonderful, low impact exercise that gets your blood pumping, your muscles moving, and helps elevate your mood. You can walk around your neighborhood or go to a local park. Even better if you can find a nature trail and hike for a bit as being surrounded by nature provides even more benefits.
Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep every night is crucial for our overall health and well-being. If you are having trouble falling asleep, try and stay away from sleep aids as they can become habit-forming. Instead, create a cozy bedtime routine.
This could start with a nice warm cup of chamomile tea, or a warm bath, followed by some quiet time reading a book, stretching, or writing in a journal. Doing the same thing each night will help your brain know that it’s time to start slowing down and begin getting ready for sleep.
Let the Light In
One of the simplest things you can do to instantly boost your mood is to let the sunlight in. If you have been keeping your blinds or curtains shut, open them up and let the sun fill the room. If you can get outside and sit in the sunshine for a little while, that is even better. Just make sure to wear sunscreen.
Let Yourself Find Laughter and Joy
Don’t feel guilty if you laugh or find joy in something. Know that it is okay to experience these feelings and that doesn’t mean you are any less sad or miss your loved one any less. Being able to still find happiness and joy in life is a huge part in the healing process and it’s what your loved one would want for you.
We know how difficult this time can be for you after your loved one’s cremation services in Irving, TX. If you need further help or would like resources for grief support, please reach out to us anytime.
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